Stay on top of innovations in your industry with Feedly – Feedly Blog

We heard from our market intelligence teams that staying on top of innovations in their industries is challenging and time consuming.

We are excited to announce our new Leo Model: ‘Tech & Scientific Innovation’, a machine learning model that allows you to keep up with the technological and scientific breakthrough innovations of your competitors.

Curious how it works? Here is a quick tour:

The problem
Our solution – A machine learning model that flags technological & scientific innovation
An AI powered research experience
More relevant results than basic keyword searches
Tech & Scientific Innovation popular use cases
Bonus – Quickly identify key tech & scientific innovation sentences

Speed up your market intelligence research

Tech & Scientific Innovation is one of the machine learning models included in Feedly for Market Intelligence. Start a free 30-day trial to see how Feedly can help you speed up your market intelligence.

Start 30-day free trial

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