Musical Instrument Rental – Blog

Musical Instrument Rental

Whether you are just starting out as a musician or a professional, Pats Music can assist you in in renting a musical instrument. An innovative Rental program helps you realise your musical goals, progressing with you as you develop.

Beginners Music Rentals

Always popular as the school term commences is our Musical Instrument Rental programme.

Quite often students begin the new year by choosing a musical instrument to learn. But the cost of purchasing a Trumpet or Violin may not be practical. After trying an instrument for a term or two, students can have a change of heart, so investing in an instrument could be a waste of money. This is where renting a musical instrument is a sensible and affordable solution.

Additionally, where students out grow instruments such as Violins or Cellos, a rental can be exchanged for a larger size. For a minimum of six months, you can rent a musical instrument, paying a monthly fee. Costs vary based on the price of the instrument at the time of purchase.

After the first six months, you can choose to continue the monthly payments, or simply buy the instrument outright. Moreover, students get to use the right instruments and are not forced to purchase substandard instruments that may be detrimental to their development.

Professional Musical Instrument Rentals

Of course, as a professional musician, it is often important to keep with the latest technology. Similarly, upgrading or changing an instrument may be required for new objectives. Indeed, having the best possible musical instrument is crucial and as a professional, you may even be able to claim the rental as a tax deduction.

The team at Pats Music Store work very closely with Studio 19. Notably Studio 19 are the top Musical Instrument rental specialists for Australia. Our staff can help you choose the right rental and assist in making the process nice and simple.

Studio 19 – A rental plan with Genuine Flexibility

  • Make sure the equipment is right for you. You can return at any time after 6 months.
  • Apply to purchase at any time, even after 1 day!
  • No ongoing account keeping fees or charges
  • Low monthly payments
  • Maintenance and repairs included
  • Optional Protection Plan available
  • If you continue to rent for the maximum term of 3 years, we will contact you to assist in finalising your agreement.

Rent then buy

Finally, at any time you are able to apply to purchase your rental musical instrument. Of course, the minimum rental period will apply, but after that, the instrument could be yours. As an official Studio 19 Rental agent, just ask one of the Pats Music team for details.

The Pats Music Store staff are here to assist with choosing the right musical instrument to rent. Ultimately we make it simple for students to try out or upgrade at any time.
For more information on rentals, follow this link, pop in to our music shop or give us a call.

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